Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Years Tradition

                                       I grew up in Trinidad and Tobago, and my mother always made Black Eye Peas and Rice for New Years Day. I remember, we would go to church, and then she would invite her friends, (who had kids) to come over to partake of her pot! This was awesome for my siblings and I, as we got to stay awake as late as we could, which was always funny because we were falling asleep during the New Years Eve service.
                                         I cannot remember exactly what else she served with the Rice and Peas, but I remember her telling me the reason she cooked it. She said that making Black Eye Peas and Rice would help you have a prosperous year. At least that's what she said the old people would say! I never tried to find out if that theory worked, but I would always remember how good the rice was and playing with my friends. (Oh and telling my Dad that we would see him next year as we left for New years Eve Service. LOL)
                                         Fast forward (too many years to count) and I am married to a man that does not like Black Eye Peas! So each New Years I cook Rice and Peas of some sort. This year though, I decided to spin the rice and peas tradition on its head and make a soup! Especially since we now live in Tennessee and a bowl of soup is very comforting on a cold day.
                                          The main ingredient was the Black Eye Peas, but I also paired that with Swiss Chard. Swiss Chard can stand up really well to being "over cooked" without looking icky. I added some Quinoa to complete the nutritious value, with celery, onions, carrots, potatoes and garlic of course. While making the soup, I could almost hear my siblings say that a soup is not a soup without dumplings, and so I decided to make cornmeal dumplings for the dish. Then I almost heard my siblings again say that soup is not a soup without pasta, so I threw in some elbow macaroni as well.
                                        I ended up with quite a delightful pot of soup, that even my husband could not wait to get some more. ( Yes, he ate the black eye peas!) There was only one problem! I made the soup for our church service and only left one bowl each at some for dinner. Remarkably, with God's help, that 5 quart container of soup fed over 80 people! The good news is that I get to remake the soup and this time I will actually write down what I do to make it so I can share it with you.
                                        So from my family to yours, I just want to wish you a Happy New Year, regardless of what your food tradition is on this day. Oh and let me know if the Black Eye Peas really brings you luck.